Monday, August 08, 2005


Nerve Blocks and the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court
All of this talk about the new Supreme Court appointment is really, really interesting.

I mean, after all, THIS is one of the main reasons that I voted for George Bush in the first place!

The Democrats are making me really cranky about all of this. When Ronald Reagan and Sir George the First were in the White House, they appointed men, and a woman, to the Court that should have been conservative in their judicial philosophy, but have for the most part turned out to be somewhat moderate and in two cases, downright liberal. However, there was NO talk during the Ginsberg appointment by Clinton, for instance, that demanded we appoint a "mainstream" moderate to the post; one that would look like most of America. Oh, but now that we have a conservative Republican in the White House making the appointments, well, we MUST have a "mainstreamer".....Or else (so says Kennedy and his like)!

First of all, the "mainstream", leading edge of the democratic party today couldn't and certainly wouldn't recognize a "mainstream" American if one came up and slapped them in the face! I mean, it would be some real Saturday Night Live type entertainment for me to sit and listen to Teddy Kennedy define what a mainstream American looked like.

But I digress.

I fully believe that most of the conservative votes received by George W. Bush in this last, hard fought and won election, were given to him because people believed that he would balance the court back to it's rightful place with a conservative nominee, or at least a true constitutionalist!

I know that's why I voted for him.

I am sick and tired of hearing judges litigate from the bench that a woman has a constitutionally guaranteed right to kill her unborn baby, when NO SUCH LANGUAGE or even any implied language is found at any place in the document they declare demands such a right. How is it that judges can literally litigate new law into effect when there is NO statement that addresses such new law found anywhere in the Constitution itself?

I want judges that will take each individual case and determine what, if anything, the Constitution has to say about it, and nothing else! To do anything more is to simply venture out far beyond what the Constitution gives them the right to do!

So, go ahead Mr. President! Appoint the Constitutionalist of your choice and let the bloviating Democrats do what they want when they can win another election! Until then, I sort of hope they'll just shut up! The Senate has the Constitutional right to "advise and consent", not make the choice for the President or block him from having the choice he desires. I'm sorry, but if Ted Kennedy or any other Democrat cannot understand that the definition of "advise and CONSENT" is not to, "CHOOSE ONLY WHO THE LOSERS OF THE LAST ELECTION WANTS," then they need to resign from the Senate and go start a self help group for those who don't know what to do when they drive a car off into the drink with the girlfriend of the moment left in it to drown!

(Oh, that was SOOOOOOOO nonPC!)

Nerve Blocks:
I know you could probably care less, but, I gotta share what I just went through and will probably have to do again next week. (Ugh!) So, take a moment to pucker up and listen to this!

I have age catching up with me in the form of bulging discs in my neck. Migraines, mixed head aches and excruciating neck pain has haunted me for nearly 15 years. But I finally found a doc who knows what its all about. At least I think he does.

The "nerve blocks" to the neck are helping. But today, I had a different kind of block, a "radio frequency" cervical facet block.

Now, in case you don't know, I'm an old radio man from way back.

I started in radio when I was 16 and was at the time the youngest dejay on a major state radio station. I've since combined my radio time with my ministry service.

I love doing radio! I have gone from the, "Hey man, this is the crazy sound of the night time top 40 spinmaster, buster baby Wilson on 13, double - you R, B, C!" to today's, "Safe for the whole family, it's something good in the air, American Family Radio." I loved spinning those big, vinyl records. Then it was songs on those big eight track type tape carts. Then we really got up town with the digital revolution and played all of the music on CD's. But now, we have no records, no tapes and no CD's; all of the music is on the computer! But, I love radio.

HOWEVER, there was nothing, I mean nothing to love about the adio frequency nerve block that I had broadcasting upon my neck today! They had to drive, and I do mean DRIVE the needles into my neck until they hit the actual nerves that were sick. (They knew that they had hit the correct nerves when I screamed at the appropriate spot!) Then, here come the radio waves, waves that first PULSED repeatedly for about 30 seconds, pounding on the muscles in my neck as if someone were hitting me with a baseball bat. Then came the radio waves of heat....HOT heat! Heat that I'm told actually burned the nerve endings away. (I guess I don't have any excuse to "get nervous" at those spots any more!)

All I've got to say is, it had better work! Or is it sort of like stomping your toe so that you won't think about the fact that you bit your lip? Maybe. But I hope not.

I do have the greatest doctor in the world, though. He is not only compassionate, smart, and one of the best in the southeast at what he does, but he is a sold out, committed Christian brother. He prayed with me today when he saw how nervous I was. Thanks brother Ron for being there for me.

Have a great day my friend. Acknowledge Jesus as Lord over your life and IN your life. And don't forget to visit my other two blogs. The links are listed here.
Till next time, I remain,

Sincerely Human,
brother B

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