Friday, May 05, 2006

What a wonderful Weekend we had last week!
The Victory Sunday 2 was simply the BEST! We were truly blessed beyond word's ability to describe by the ministry of Dr. Fred Wolfe! (By the way, we have each message that Dr. Wolfe preached available on both CD and DVD. Simply ask the media team for a copy. $5 donation is suggested if you are able to do so.)
Special Sermon Sunday Morning!
The Da Vinci Code: Good or Bad? is the sermon this Sunday morning. With the book by the same title back at number one on the best seller's list, and with the movie about the book, starring Tom Hanks, coming to theaters May 19, it's time we looked at it's message and understood it's appeal. Don't miss this sermon. It will help you understand the errors of the book and the movie. Too many Christians are getting swayed by this horrible lie, and we intend to expose it this Sunday morning. There will be CD's of the message immediately available this Sunday, and a study guide companion to the message will be handed out during the service, all in an effort to help you be prepared to know and to answer the questions of your family and friends over the next three weeks.
Graduation Services This Weekend
We are going to be the host church for the North Pontotoc graduation services this year. The services will be at 2 pm this Sunday afternoon. Also, we will recognize OUR graduating seniors this Sunday night at 6 PM. Come to both of these services to support our grads and to represent our church well this Sunday.
Mother's Day Pictures
Don't forget that for Mother's Day this year, we are going to put YOUR mother's pictures up on the screen in a special presentation next Sunday morning during Mother's Day services. WE MUST HAVE YOUR PICTURES BY THIS SUNDAY IN ORDER TO GET THEM IN THE PRESENTATION!! We will not be able to receive ANY pictures for the presentation AFTER this Sunday. So, round them up and get them here. Only One or two pictures per each mother can be included. Be sure to write your name on the back so that we can return them to you.
I love you dearly and am SO excited about what the Lord is doing in our church!
Aren't you? Don't know what the Lord is doing?
Then come on back to FBC this weekend and FEEL THE SPIRIT!
Love in Jesus' Name,
pastor buster wilson

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