I truly believe that the World is looking for this!
I was talking today with my good friend and local classic conversationalist, Jim Varnon. Our conversation took me back in memory to some conflicts that were once exercised in my local church. We discussed how tired we both were of fighting, unhappy, bickering churches and supposed "Christians".
I am VERY happy to report that this is not the condition of my church at the present, to be bickering I mean. We have enjoyed two full years of relative peace and unity. It took going through literal hell on earth to get there, but thanks be to God in Heaven, we've been in unity and peace for two years running.
Then, it struck me: I truly believe that the world is looking for peace and unity in a relational setting, a place where true fellowship can occur and folks can get along with one another, rely on one another and be true friends with one another. And I am of the personal opinion that the world would beat a path and tear down the doors to the place where that kind of unity of spirit would be found flowing in a supernatural way! That's what the church is supposed to be. We have the power to pull it off......Not in our own strength but in the strength and power of God Almighty by His powerful Holy Spirit!
In God's Word, the Bible, He says, "how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity." And in another place He says, "it's not by might, nor by power (man's own strength) but by My Spirit, saith the Lord." The kind of supernatural unity and joy of fellowship that God can and will produce in His church is the kind of life experience that people are innately searching for. I'm willing to bet my life on it. In fact, I have; I have dedicated my life to believing that God is offering all that takes to make life enjoyable to the fullest.
Jesus said, "My joy I give unto you so that your joy might be full." Wow! Everybody wants joy. Everybody wants to be loved and accepted and trusted and believed in. I love where in Romans He tells us that, "If God be for us, who can be against us?". God gave His own Son so that you and I could live forever. How much more will He give us to live in unity and peace, joy and fellowship?
Beloved, if your church is dull, lifeless and split with fighting, hatred and bitterness, then consider this: The God who gave you Calvary's Cross WILL also give you joy, happiness and fulfillment in living life! Read Gal. chapter 3; Romans chapter 8; and John chapter 15. Let the promises of God's Word take root in your heart. Ask Jesus to be your Savior and Lord. Receive Him in your heart by faith (John 3:16; Romans 10:9, 10, 13; John 5:24; John 6:40, 47). Then ask Him to fill your inner man, your heart with the power of the Holy Spirit of God for power to live life like He wants (Acts 1:8; Acts 2:38-47; LUKE 11:9-13) Then, by faith, live in God's power and love and strength.
Go spread to someone else. Let the faith roll on!
For Unity's sake,
Buster Wilson
# posted by Dr. Buster Wilson @ 6:07 PM