Thursday, March 09, 2006
It's CATCH UP time From Chattanooga!
But thank the Lord, it's better tonight and I can update you on what the Lord has been doing, and Oh my friends, He has been doing great things in Chattanooga!!!
I must confess that EVERY speaker that I've heard since Monday night, has been Divinely (is that spelled right?) appointed JUST FOR ME! As usual, my greatest problem with coming home from Fresh Oil, New Wine each year, is HOW to share with you all that God has poured into my spirit this week! It's a little like trying to take a drink from a fire hose! It's great, it's just a whole lot coming real fast! If you don't gulp every now and then, you'll drown!
I have heard about the New Seasons, and New Days that God is bringing upon His Body. I have heard about the fact that FOR EVERYONE ELSE, 2005 was a year of great difficulty and struggle, but 2006 will be the year of abundance and 2007 will be the year of perfection (maturity)of the church!
I have seen the struggle and the victories that God brought Central Baptist through in the finishing of their new building. They were at the EXACT same place that we were at this time last year in the finishing of their building. They had a little steel up and were having difficulties in going on. At one time, they even voted to STOP altogether. However, we have met this week in their brand new, 20 million dollar facility that would blow your mind! Guess when they had their first services in it and dedicated it to the Lord? December the 4th!!!! Isn't that wild? I must tell you that I feel a stronger kindred spirit with their dear pastor, Ron Phillips, than I do with any other man of GOd on the planet. He is more like Jesus in the flesh than anyone I know. I love him, I appreciate his leadership, I beg to be under his mantle of apostleship, and I look to him as my spiritual father in the faith!
I have heard messages that God has used to confirm so many things for me about the future direction of our church. I HAVE RECEIVED FROM GOD PROPHECTIC WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT ABOUT THE FUTURE IN THE HARVEST OF SOULS, THE INFLUX OF THE WEALTH OF THE NATIONS, AND THE OUT POURING OF HIS SPIRIT UPON OUR CHURCH! Like I said, it's a tuff job figuring out how to start sharing all of this without overwhelming you. But be of Good cheer my friend! I believe that God has promised us three of four things this week:
1. That the harvest of new souls, the coming world-wide revival, the gaining of many saved souls and new members is about to explode upon us! We are already receiving the first fruits of this with the many wonderful new members we have already received since getting in our new building.
2. That we are NOW in a new day and a new season. The OLD way of doing things, the dead, lifeless way of knowing God, is over! ITs'a new season, it's a new day.
3. That God is MORE THAN ABLE to supply all our needs. God is able to pay any bill, to pay off the debt of this new building, and that we are about to see a new day of abundance flow into our church.
4. That the spirit of infirmity that has drained the life and the energy from our church and has caused us to endure broken marriages, out of wedlock children, addictions and hatreds, is NOW cast out and he shall keep us bond us NO MORE, in Jesus' Name!!!!!
5. We are going to see new victories come through the mechinisms of PRAISE AND WORSHIP, and the WORD OF GOD. Jesus said that the Father is looking for those who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth (The Word and in the Spirit). We've neglected the Spirit, but we cannot any more if we expect God to move on our behalf!
There's so much more, but I will try hard to pace myself, according to the Spirit, so that I don't overwhelm you.
God bless you and thanks again for allowing me to come.
Oh, by the way, tonight's main speaker was Perry Stone. Those of you who know him know that I had a great night in the Lord tonight!
I will head out for home tomorrow morning. Please pray for a safe trip. (3 busses of kids moved into the hotel tonight, so pray that I get SOME sleep!!)
God Love you,
Brother Buster