Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Mississippi Baptists, Motorcycles, and Stained Glass Windows
Well, we have attended the Miss. Baptist Convention once again this year. It is held each year at the First Baptist Church of Jackson, MS. I had the priviledge, as I do most years, to enjoy the event with my brother-in-law preachers, Jerry East and Dan Robertson. Ross Robertson, the other brother-in-law preacher, didn't get to come this year.
I rode to the convention this year on my motorcycle. Had a wonderful time doing so, too, I might add. I rode down on Interstate 55 for the the first time ever. I was in much fear and trembling to get on the BIG road with the BIG trucks. But, as He has done so far in my riding career, God took care of me and we made it safely. I actually enjoyed riding on the BIG road.
Our stained glass window are getting in this week. Many thanks to Kay Davis for bearing the brunt of the burden of these beautiful panes. Please take plenty of time to gaze at them and reflect on the wonder of our marvelous God!
I love you all in Jesus' Name and I look forward to being with you again this weekend. Take good care of yourself and WALK WITH GOD!
Brother Buster